This Is The Sign You're Waiting For

The universe is constantly talking to us, sending us messages and, if we listen carefully, it will show us the way.

Wherever we turn, wherever we look, there are signs, signals and stories intended just for us, focused directly at us, begging us to listen. From the sounds of the wind in the trees and the song of the birds in their branches, to the neon of the city and the rumble of the subway train passing somewhere below our feet, our world is awash with songs that only we can hear. 

These songs are for us, attuned to us, their vibration resonating with ours if we let it, their dance in time with our footsteps, and once we apply our filters and decipher their code, the way will reveal itself. This is the universe shining light on the path ahead of us. Our universe. The universe that resides within us.

The patterns we see when we pay attention, the messages we hear amongst the chatter and the chaos, are a reflection of our intrinsic selves. These messages are our attention directed by our own innate wisdom, our subconscious guide telling us to look here, look there, notice the signal among the noise.

When we teach ourselves to notice what we notice, to shift our perspective from all that can go wrong to all that can go right, to attune ourselves to our own frequency, we find our spirit guide to lead us on a path that is ours alone. This spirit guide – our spirit – is the internal compass we were born with. Buried deep beneath our ego and the voices in our head, it is aligned with our intrinsic self, and seeing us through our own eyes it uses the universe as we perceive it to communicate with us.

When we look up in wonder at the stars, it is the universe inside us that is filled with wonder. When find ourselves enraptured by the giggles of our child, it is that same subconscious universe that is enraptured. When the world gives us a sign, it is our own inner compass that is placing it before us. 

Look up. What’s the first thing that you see?

As we tune into our spirit guides – our intrinsic selves – we must understand that we have everything we will ever need right here within us. And beneath the fear, and the worry, and the nervousness, and the uncertainty, and the anxiety, and the lack of confidence, it speaks to us. It speaks through the birds in the trees, the sound of the gravel under our feet, the feeling of the water running through our fingers, the sound of a boiling kettle, the taste of that first bite of pear, the crisp smell of a snowy morning, and the chatter of the city as we go about our days. 

Notice what you notice. Listen carefully. Someone is speaking to you. 


It's Quieter Now


Thoughts On An Uncertain World