It Doesn’t Fucking Matter

This guy with his horse? He doesn’t care.

This guy with his horse? He doesn’t care.

That thing that’s on your mind right now, the thing you’re worried about, that’s bothering you, that’s possibly stopping you from doing something? It doesn’t matter. Unless it’s something really serious, like a death in the family, or that you’ve just run over one of the Queen’s corgis, chances are it really doesn’t matter. Even then, it only slightly matters, but in the grand scheme of things, not really.

That text you sent where the autocorrect changed one of the words and now it says something embarrassing? It doesn’t matter. The latest thing that big orange shit Donald Trump did that’s got you poised to unleash your outrage on Twitter? It doesn’t matter. The cat’s been sick on the bed again? Doesn’t matter. You accidentally told your boss you love him? Doesn’t matter. You’re not sure your new jacket looks good or not? Doesn’t matter. What to have for dinner? Doesn’t matter. You forgot to hold the door for the person behind you? Doesn’t matter. You phone cut out and now you’re worried your friend will think you hung up on them? Doesn’t matter. You forgot to put any deodorant on this morning? Doesn’t matter. That vase you knocked over? Doesn’t matter. You’ve spent all your money? Doesn’t matter.

Not sure if you came across as arrogant in that meeting? Doesn’t matter. You drive an embarrassing car? Doesn’t matter. You bought whole milk instead of semi-skimmed milk? Doesn’t matter. A certain female celebrity was seen out with an unidentified man half her age? Doesn’t matter. You haven’t mowed the lawn in ages? Doesn’t matter. Your team aren’t doing well in the league? Doesn’t matter. You’re worried what people will think of your new haircut? Doesn’t matter. Someone saw you picking your nose in traffic? Doesn’t matter. Not sure if you’ll get a bollocking for being five minutes late for work? Doesn’t matter. The latest thing to be afraid of? Doesn’t matter. The latest public outcry? Doesn’t matter.

None of it fucking matters.

That you’ve wasted so much time and energy worrying about that thing – that matters. That you could have been doing something worthwhile, beneficial, or even just stopping to breathe and appreciate where you are in life – that matters. That you could have been doing a random act of kindness, or building a body of work, or brainstorming business ideas, or walking barefoot through the woods and connecting with the ground under your feet – that matters.

Breathe. Dream. Build. Create. Appreciate. Share. Love. Pause. These things matter.


What Now? The Moon, Or The Finger That Points At It?


People Like Us Don’t Do Things Like That