We’re programmed to look on the dark side…

It’s an evolutionary trait that was designed to keep us alert to dangers in the jungle, or stop us eating those funny looking berries that might poison us.

But today it all too often crops up as a world view, that keeps us focused on what might go wrong rather than what might go right. It keeps us blinkered from opportunity, and can cause us to develop a victim mentality that prevents us enjoying the real beauty of life.

Retrain Your Brain

But we can shift our perspective and reprogram our brains to see all the things we’ve got going for us, all the things that could go right, and all our strengths instead of all our weaknesses. And adopting an attitude of gratitude is a perfect way to do just that.

This 21-day gratitude challenge is a series of emails posing questions, prompts and thinking points that will help you train your brain to see life in a more positive way. It’s easy, free, and will help you develop a daily journaling practice that might just change everything. Are you up for a challenge?

Just enter your email below, and let’s get the ball rolling.