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There are currently three books of my writings available. They focus primarily on taking ownership of your life, learning to make it work for you, and finding your own voice against a cacophony of noise.

We all have have vast potential, yet all too often it goes unrealised. My writing looks at ways of breaking down the barriers of fear and insecurity to find out who we really are and live our own, authentic, amazing lives.

Shine Manifesto

My latest book dips beneath the surface of what it is to be a human spirit living within the constructed framework of modern society. It looks at ways that we can be exist in the system, without denying our unique, immaculate specialness that goes along with being spiritual beings having a human existence.

It’s not your normal book, and it probably isn’t what you were expecting.

Click here to find the book in paperback or on Kindle at Amazon.


An experiment in publishing, Outpost is a collection of my essays and writings, that enables the reader to dip in and out as they wish.

Covering a wide range of topics, but focusing on how we can live better, do better and be better, Outpost is an amuse bouche of inspiration just when you need it.

Click here to find the book in paperback or on Kindle at Amazon.

Do The Thing, Have The Power

Speaking my truth, I tell of my adventures and mishaps as I tried and failed to figure out what it all means. From working on glossy magazines in New York City to driving a van delivering groceries around the south coast, I explain how I climb back from the bottom and how you can too.

Click here to find the book in paperback or on Kindle at Amazon.